
Making life science predictable since 2021.

Imagine a world with abundant data.

We use automation as a focal point to align the incentives of scientists, bringing people together to execute large, collaborative, data-intensive projects that result in predictive models of biology.

We’re hiring!

How to achieve predictable biology

Align hosts data acquisition and sharing. We also create venues for benchmarking the performance of AI models built on our data.

Living datasets backed by automated, open source methods.

Quantify the value of data by hosting machine learning competitions.

Get Involved

Do you have an idea for the next big dataset in biology? Tell us about your dream dataset today!

Are you a scientist, machine learning specialist, or automation expert interested in creating high-fidelity datasets in biology?

Our Founders

Erika DeBenedictis

Caltech - MIT - Francis Crick Institute

Pete Kelly

Joint BioEnergy Institute - Zymergen - Ginkgo

Supported by

A philanthropic initiative founded by Eric and Wendy Schmidt.

A civic engagement initiative by Ken Griffin.